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WordPress Learning - Top Courses for Every Skill Level

As a WordPress dev, I understand the importance of continuous learning in the ever-evolving world of WordPress. Staying up-to-date with the latest features, best practices, and boosting your skills for personal and professional growth is essential. In this overview, I will provide you with a list of top courses for every skill level, from beginner to advanced, to help you expand your WordPress knowledge.

Beginner-Level WordPress Courses

1. WordPress Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning)

  • Overview of WordPress basics
  • Creating and managing content
  • Customizing themes and plugins

This course provides a solid foundation for anyone new to WordPress. Morten Rand-Hendriksen, a renowned WordPress expert, walks you through the essentials of creating and managing a WordPress site. You'll learn about installing WordPress, creating and editing posts and pages, managing media files, and customizing your site's appearance using themes and plugins.

2. WP101

  • Step-by-step video tutorials for beginners
  • Learning WordPress fundamentals
  • Access to a supportive community

WP101 is an excellent resource for beginners looking to master WordPress quickly. Shawn Hesketh, a seasoned WordPress educator, provides high-quality video tutorials that cover the fundamentals of using WordPress. The course includes lessons on using the WordPress dashboard, creating and editing content, working with images, and more. Plus, you'll get access to a members-only forum where you can ask questions and receive support from the WP101 team and fellow learners.

3. WordPress for Beginners – Master WordPress Quickly (Udemy)

  • Comprehensive introduction to WordPress
  • Building and customizing a website from scratch
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) and security best practices

In this Udemy course, Andrew Williams provides a complete introduction to WordPress, walking you through the process of building and customizing a website from scratch. You'll learn how to create posts and pages, customize your site's appearance, and optimize your site for search engines. Additionally, the course covers essential security best practices to protect your site from potential threats.

Intermediate-Level WordPress Courses

1. Gutenberg for WordPress: Building Your First Blocks (LinkedIn Learning)

  • Introduction to the Gutenberg block editor
  • Creating custom blocks
  • Extending Gutenberg with plugins and tools

This LinkedIn Learning course by Joe Casabona introduces you to the Gutenberg block editor, which revolutionized the way content is created in WordPress. You'll learn how to build custom blocks, extend Gutenberg's functionality with plugins, and integrate Gutenberg into your theme development workflow.

const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { __ } = wp.i18n;

registerBlockType('my-blocks/my-block', {
  title: __('My Block', 'my-blocks'),
  description: __('A custom Gutenberg block', 'my-blocks'),
  icon: 'admin-tools',
  category: 'common',

  edit() {
    return <p>{__('This is the block editor', 'my-blocks')}</p>;

  save() {
    return <p>{__('This is the front-end output', 'my-blocks')}</p>;

2. The Complete WordPress Website Business Course (Udemy)

  • In-depth exploration of WordPress and business applications
  • Building professional and e-commerce websites
  • Monetization strategies and online marketing techniques

In this comprehensive Udemy course, Rob Percival teaches you how to use WordPress to build professional websites for various business applications, including e-commerce sites. You'll learn how to choose the right themes and plugins, create engaging content, and optimize your site for conversions. The course also covers monetization strategies, email marketing, and social media integration.

3. Plugin Development (Pippins)

  • Learning to create custom WordPress plugins
  • Understanding WordPress coding standards

If you have written plugins before, then this course could also be extremely valuable to you as Pippins covers in-depth the fundamentals for plugin development, especially adhering to WordPress coding standards. You will not be writing just one plugin, but writing a series of small plugins and also looking at a number of live plugins written by various developers that illustrate best practices.

Advanced-Level WordPress Courses

1. JavaScript for WordPress

  • Mastering the use of JavaScript in WordPress
  • Developing custom Gutenberg blocks
  • Building headless WordPress applications

Zac Gordon's JavaScript for WordPress course provides an in-depth look at using JavaScript in WordPress development. You'll learn how to create custom Gutenberg blocks, work with the WordPress REST API, and build headless WordPress applications using JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue.

2. WordPress Plugin Development

  • Creating and maintaining custom plugins
  • Understanding WordPress hooks, filters, and actions
  • Best practices for plugin development and security

WPMU DEV's WordPress Plugin Development course, led by Daniel Pataki, provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to create and maintain custom WordPress plugins. You'll learn about WordPress hooks, filters, and actions, as well as best practices for plugin development and security.

 * Plugin Name: My Custom Plugin
 * Description: A custom WordPress plugin
 * Version: 1.0.0
 * Author: Your Name

function my_custom_plugin_function() {
  // Your code here
add_action('init', 'my_custom_plugin_function');

3. Advanced WordPress Development

  • Deep dive into WordPress core
  • Advanced coding techniques with PHP, JavaScript, and CSS
  • Building scalable and performant WordPress applications

Know the Code's Advanced WordPress Development course, taught by Tonya Mork, is designed for experienced developers looking to deepen their understanding of WordPress core. This course covers advanced coding techniques with PHP, JavaScript, and CSS, as well as best practices for building scalable and performant WordPress applications.


Continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth in the ever-evolving world of WordPress. Invest in your education and stay up-to-date with the latest features and best practices by exploring these courses and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any free courses available for learning WordPress?

Yes, there are many free resources available for learning WordPress. Some popular options include:

These resources provide tutorials, guides, and community support for anyone looking to learn WordPress.

How long does it take to become proficient in WordPress?

The time it takes to become proficient in WordPress depends on your existing skills, dedication, and the resources you choose to learn from. With consistent effort and the right resources, most beginners can become comfortable with WordPress basics in a few weeks to a few months.

What skills do I need to start learning WordPress development?

To start learning WordPress development, it's essential to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and PHP. Familiarity with JavaScript, especially for working with the Gutenberg editor, is also beneficial. As you progress, you can dive deeper into these languages and explore other tools and technologies relevant to WordPress development.

Can I learn WordPress without any programming background?

Yes, you can learn WordPress without any programming background. Many beginners start by learning how to use the platform's built-in features, such as themes, plugins, and the block editor. As you become more comfortable with WordPress, you can gradually learn the necessary programming languages (HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript) to customize and extend your website further.

What job opportunities are available for skilled WordPress developers?

Skilled WordPress developers have a variety of job opportunities available, such as:

  • Freelance web developer or designer
  • WordPress theme or plugin developer
  • WordPress consultant or specialist
  • Technical support or customer service for WordPress products and services
  • In-house web developer for agencies or businesses

With WordPress powering over 40% of websites worldwide, there is a high demand for skilled professionals in the field.

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