Master of the universe

Reinventing WordPress for Modern Enterprise

Hello, fellow Artisans! We're thrilled to bring you a new product that's been brewed with painstaking care and immense passion. Say hello to the DOMArtisan beta, a visionary solution that reimagines the way we approach WordPress. Our team set out with a singular vision: to create a platform that effortlessly combines enterprise scalability and optimization, without the overhead and technical debt often associated with headless development.

WordPress Reimagined

We've always believed in WordPress' inherent ability to seamlessly bridge the gap between various departmental challenges, whilst providing a unified platform for organizations. Yet, it has been traditionally held back by performance issues and a legacy architecture. But let's set the record straight - WordPress can scale, and it always has. The real challenge lies in maintaining the delicate balance between performance, scalability, and separated concerns. This is where DOMArtisan comes into play.

A Modern Meta Headless Site

DOMArtisan takes your existing site and metamorphoses it into a modern, meta headless site. It does this magic through three unique strategies, depending on the type of site:

  • Static: Think of it as a snapshot of your site, frozen in time. Ideal for sites with content that doesn't change frequently.
  • Prerender: A step up from static, it generates views of pages before they are requested by the user. Perfect for sites with content that changes occasionally but not rapidly.
  • Dynamic: This is where the real-time magic happens. Pages are rendered as and when requested by the user. Suited for sites with rapidly changing, real-time content.

Each of these strategies serves a different purpose, catering to varied needs and scenarios.

Expanding Your Development Ecosystem

But we didn't stop at that. DOMArtisan also extends your development ecosystem, providing a more fulfilling experience for the tech teams. It enables them to take control of custom functionalities that may prove challenging with WordPress Core.

Our platform draws its power from Svelte and, with a seamless integration with Cloudflare Service Workers. This allows you to build JavaScript server-side APIs and integrations, and incorporate them into your WordPress build with minimal fuss.

Committed to Simplicity and Excellence

Here at DOMArtisan, we're committed to you, the client, and to the user experience of teams working with WordPress. As our fellow artisans know, we're strong proponents of minimalism. We strive to keep things as simple as possible, preventing complexity from complicating your journey down the road.

Embrace a New Era of WordPress

Whether you're a smaller site seeking to optimize or scale faster without the cost, or a mid-market/enterprise site aspiring to build intuitive workflows and transition to an infinitely scalable, secure WordPress architecture - we've got you covered.

This is more than a product. It's the dawn of a new era in WordPress scalability and performance. And you, our fellow artisans, are at the heart of it. Join us as we embark on this exciting journey, one where WordPress reaches its true, untapped potential. Welcome to DOMArtisan. Let the adventure begin!

Sign up for the Artisan Beta

Help us reimagine WordPress.

Whether you’re a smaller site seeking to optimize performance, or mid-market/enterprise buildinging out a secure WordPress architecture – we’ve got you covered. 

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