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Using a CDN with Built-in Minification - Wordpress

What is a CDN?

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers that delivers web content to users based on their geographic location, the origin of the web page, and the content delivery server. CDNs store cached versions of website content on servers located around the world, enabling faster delivery to users in different locations. By utilizing a CDN, websites can benefit from:

  • Faster content delivery: With servers located close to users, a CDN can reduce latency and ensure faster content delivery.
  • Improved website performance: CDNs can accelerate website loading times by optimizing content delivery, reducing page size, and compressing files.
  • Reduced server load: By distributing traffic across multiple servers, a CDN can decrease the load on the origin server, enhancing its stability and performance.
  • Enhanced security: CDNs can provide additional security features, such as DDoS protection, SSL/TLS support, and traffic filtering.

Popular CDNs with Built-in Minification

Several popular CDN providers offer built-in minification features, including:

Setting up a CDN with Minification

Below, we outline the process of setting up minification with four popular CDN providers.


  1. Creating an account: Visit the Cloudflare website and sign up for an account.
  2. Adding your website: After logging in, click on "Add a Site" and enter your website's URL.
  3. Configuring minification settings: In the Cloudflare dashboard, navigate to the "Speed" tab. Under the "Optimization" section, you'll find Auto Minify options for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Enable the options as needed. Additionally, consider enabling the "Rocket Loader" feature to improve the loading time of JavaScript files.
  4. Updating your domain's DNS records: Follow Cloudflare's instructions to update your domain's DNS records to point to Cloudflare's servers.


  1. Creating an account: Visit the KeyCDN website and sign up for an account.
  2. Adding a new Zone: Log in to your KeyCDN dashboard, click on "Zones" in the left menu, and then click "Add Zone." Fill in the required information, such as the Zone name and the origin server's URL.
  3. Configuring minification settings: In the Zone settings, enable the "Minify" options for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as needed.
  4. Integrating KeyCDN with WordPress: To connect KeyCDN with your WordPress site, you can use the CDN Enabler plugin or a caching plugin like WP Rocket that supports CDN integration.


  1. Creating an account: Visit the StackPath website and sign up for an account.
  2. Adding a new Site: Log in to your StackPath dashboard, click on "Sites" in the left menu, and then click "Create Site." Fill in the required information, such as the site name and the origin server's URL.
  3. Configuring minification settings: In the Site settings, enable the "Minify" options for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as needed.
  4. Integrating StackPath with WordPress: To connect StackPath with your WordPress site, you can use the StackPath plugin or a caching plugin like WP Rocket that supports CDN integration.

Amazon CloudFront

  1. Creating an AWS account: Visit the Amazon Web Services (AWS) website and sign up for an account.
  2. Setting up Amazon S3: Before configuring CloudFront, you'll need to set up an Amazon S3 bucket to store your website's assets. Follow Amazon's documentation to create an S3 bucket and upload your assets.
  3. Configuring Amazon CloudFront:
    • Creating a Distribution: Log in to your AWS Management Console, navigate to the CloudFront service, and click "Create Distribution." Choose "Web" as the delivery method.
    • Configuring minification settings: In the Distribution settings, under the "Default Cache Behavior Settings" section, enable the "Compress Objects Automatically" option to compress files using GZIP.
  4. Integrating Amazon CloudFront with WordPress: To connect Amazon CloudFront with your WordPress site, you can use plugins like WP Offload Media Lite or W3 Total Cache that support CDN integration.

Troubleshooting Minification Issues

Common Minification Problems

Minification can sometimes cause issues, such as:

  • Broken layout or design: When CSS files are minified, certain styles might not be applied correctly, causing layout or design issues.
  • JavaScript errors or non-functioning scripts: Minifying JavaScript files can lead to errors or malfunctioning scripts if variables or functions are renamed or modified during the process.
  • Increased load times: In some cases, minification can increase file sizes or create additional HTTP requests, leading to longer load times.

Steps to Resolve Minification Issues

  1. Identify the problematic files: Use your browser's developer tools (e.g., Google Chrome DevTools or Mozilla Firefox Developer Tools) to identify any CSS or JavaScript files causing issues. Check for error messages or layout problems related to specific files.
  2. Exclude specific files from minification: Most CDN providers and caching plugins allow you to exclude certain files from the minification process. Adjust your settings to exclude any problematic files to avoid conflicts and maintain website functionality.
  3. Minify files individually: If necessary, manually minify individual files using online tools like CSS Minifier and JavaScript Minifier. This approach enables you to test each file separately and identify potential issues more easily.
  4. Test in a staging environment: Before implementing minification on your live site, test the changes in a staging environment that replicates the live site's settings and content. This allows you to catch potential issues before they impact your users.
  5. Seek professional assistance if necessary: If you're unable to resolve minification issues on your own, consider seeking help from a professional web developer or contacting the CDN provider's support team for guidance. They can help diagnose and resolve issues related to minification and content delivery.

Monitoring Website Performance

Regularly monitoring your website's performance is crucial for maintaining a fast, user-friendly experience. Popular website performance monitoring tools include:

These tools provide insights into your website's performance, helping you identify areas for improvement and optimization.


Minifying CSS and JavaScript files in WordPress is an essential part of improving website performance. By using a combination of minification, CDN, and other performance optimizations, you can ensure your site remains fast and efficient. Regularly monitor your website's performance and make improvements as needed to maintain a positive user experience.

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