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Full Site Editing and Plugin Compatibility: How to Supercharge Your WordPress Website


WordPress, as a Content Management System (CMS), has consistently evolved to provide users with new features and improvements for better website management. One of the significant advancements in recent WordPress releases is Full Site Editing (FSE). This powerful feature allows users to have greater control over their website's design and layout, making it increasingly important to ensure plugin compatibility to enhance FSE functionality.

In this article, we will discuss what Full Site Editing is, how it affects plugins, and the importance of plugin compatibility. We will also explore tips for evaluating plugin compatibility, top FSE-compatible plugins, and ways to extend FSE with custom blocks and plugins.

Understanding Full Site Editing

What is Full Site Editing?

Full Site Editing is a groundbreaking feature introduced in WordPress 5.8 that enables users to edit and customize their entire website layout, including headers, footers, sidebars, and content areas, by using a block-based editor – the Gutenberg editor. FSE aims to provide users with a more unified and seamless editing experience, eliminating the need for multiple plugins or custom code to achieve desired website designs.

Some key features and benefits of FSE include:

  • Block-based editing for every part of your website
  • A more streamlined and consistent editing experience
  • Greater design flexibility and customization options
  • Reduced reliance on third-party page builders and themes

How FSE Affects Plugins

The introduction of Full Site Editing has a significant impact on existing plugins, as it changes how they interact with the WordPress core and user interface. Some plugins may become obsolete, while others may require updates or modifications to ensure compatibility with FSE.

As a result, website owners and developers need to evaluate their current plugins for compatibility with Full Site Editing, ensuring they continue to function as expected and contribute to the overall performance and user experience of the website. This need for FSE-compatible plugins highlights the importance of selecting and integrating plugins that work well with the new editing environment.

Evaluating Plugin Compatibility with FSE

Checking for FSE Compatibility

To ensure the seamless functioning of your WordPress website, it's crucial to identify FSE-compatible plugins. Here are some tips for determining if a plugin is compatible with Full Site Editing:

  1. Check the plugin description and documentation: Plugin developers often mention FSE compatibility in the plugin's description, readme file, or documentation. Look for phrases such as "Full Site Editing compatible" or "Gutenberg-ready" to confirm compatibility.
  2. Review the plugin's update history and changelog: A plugin with regular updates and a detailed changelog demonstrates the developer's commitment to maintaining compatibility with the latest WordPress features, including Full Site Editing. Keep an eye on the most recent updates to see if they mention FSE support or compatibility improvements.
  3. Visit the plugin's support forum: The support forum for a plugin, typically found on the plugin repository, can provide valuable insights into compatibility issues or updates. Users often discuss their experiences with the plugin and Full Site Editing, which can help you gauge the plugin's compatibility.
  4. Reach out to the plugin developer: When in doubt, contact the plugin developer directly to inquire about Full Site Editing compatibility. Most developers are happy to provide information on their plugin's compatibility with the latest WordPress features.

Testing Plugins in a Staging Environment

Before implementing a plugin on your live WordPress website, it is essential to test its compatibility with Full Site Editing in a staging environment. A staging environment is a replica of your live website, allowing you to test changes without affecting the live site.

Here are some tips for setting up a staging environment and testing plugins with FSE:

  1. Create a staging site: Use a plugin like WP Staging or create a manual staging site on your hosting platform to replicate your live website.
  2. Install and activate the plugin: Install the plugin you want to test in the staging environment and activate it.
  3. Test plugin functionality: Test the plugin's features and functionality with Full Site Editing enabled. Ensure it functions as expected and does not cause conflicts with other plugins or the editing experience.
  4. Monitor performance and compatibility: Keep an eye on the performance of your staging site while using the plugin to ensure it doesn't negatively impact your website's speed or user experience.
  5. Push changes to the live site: Once you are confident in the plugin's compatibility with Full Site Editing, you can safely implement the plugin on your live website.

Top FSE-Compatible Plugins to Supercharge Your Website

Page Builder and Design Plugins

While Full Site Editing offers extensive design capabilities, integrating FSE-compatible page builder and design plugins can further enhance your website's appearance and functionality. Here are some examples of FSE-compatible plugins:

  1. GenerateBlocks: GenerateBlocks is a lightweight and powerful plugin that adds a set of custom blocks to the Gutenberg editor. With GenerateBlocks, you can create responsive and optimized designs for your website with minimal effort.
  2. Kadence Blocks: Kadence Blocks is another popular plugin that extends the Gutenberg editor with custom blocks, such as advanced galleries, testimonials, and call-to-action buttons. This plugin allows you to create professional-looking designs with ease.
  3. Qubely: Qubely is a complete Gutenberg toolkit that offers a wide range of custom blocks, pre-built sections, and page templates to help you design your website with FSE. Qubely also includes advanced styling options and interactions to enhance your website's user experience.

SEO and Performance Optimization Plugins

Optimizing your website for search engines and ensuring optimal performance are crucial aspects of maintaining a successful online presence. Here are some examples of FSE-compatible SEO and performance optimization plugins:

  1. Yoast SEO: Yoast SEO is one of the most popular plugins for improving your website's search engine visibility. With FSE compatibility, you can easily optimize your website's content, headings, and meta information, ensuring your website ranks higher in search engine results.
  2. Rank Math: Rank Math is another powerful SEO plugin that offers advanced features like schema markup, keyword optimization, and XML sitemaps. Rank Math is designed to work seamlessly with Full Site Editing, making it easier for you to optimize your website's content and structure.
  3. WP Rocket: WP Rocket is a premium caching and performance optimization plugin that improves your website's loading speed and overall performance. With its compatibility with Full Site Editing, you can ensure your website loads quickly and efficiently for your visitors.

E-commerce and Membership Plugins

Full Site Editing compatibility is also essential for e-commerce and membership plugins, as it ensures seamless integration with your website's design and user experience. Here are some examples of FSE-compatible e-commerce and membership plugins:

  1. WooCommerce: WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress, allowing you to create an online store with ease. With FSE compatibility, you can design and customize your store's layout, product pages, and checkout process to match your brand and provide a smooth shopping experience.
  2. Easy Digital Downloads: Easy Digital Downloads is a powerful plugin for selling digital products on your WordPress website. Its compatibility with Full Site Editing enables you to create custom product pages, pricing tables, and checkout forms that integrate seamlessly with your website's design.
  3. MemberPress: MemberPress is a comprehensive membership plugin that allows you to create and manage membership levels, restrict content access, and accept payments on your website. With its FSE compatibility, you can design and customize membership pages and forms to match your website's overall design and user experience.

Extending FSE with Custom Blocks and Plugins

Creating Custom Blocks for FSE

While there are many FSE-compatible plugins available, you may still want to create custom blocks to meet specific design or functionality requirements for your website. Custom blocks can help you achieve unique website elements and features tailored to your needs.

Here's an overview of creating custom blocks for Full Site Editing:

  1. Learn the basics: Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of block development, including the use of JavaScript, React, and the Gutenberg API. The WordPress Block Editor Handbook is an excellent resource to get started.
  2. Use a block scaffolding tool: Tools like Create Guten Block or the WordPress Block Scaffolding can help you quickly set up a development environment for creating custom blocks.
  3. Develop and test your custom block: Design and develop your custom block using the Gutenberg API, ensuring it meets your requirements and integrates seamlessly with Full Site Editing.
  4. Package and distribute your custom block: Once your custom block is ready, package it as a plugin or integrate it into your theme for distribution.

Developing FSE-Compatible Plugins

If you're a developer looking to create FSE-compatible plugins or update existing plugins to work with Full Site Editing, consider the following tips:

  1. Adhere to WordPress development standards: Ensure your plugin follows the WordPress Coding Standards and Plugin Development Guidelines to maintain compatibility and performance.
  2. Stay updated on FSE developments: Keep track of Full Site Editing updates and changes in the WordPress core to ensure your plugin remains compatible with the latest features and improvements.
  3. Test your plugin with various themes and environments: Ensure your plugin works well with different themes and plugins, as well as different hosting environments, to maintain compatibility and avoid conflicts.
  4. Provide clear documentation and support: Offer comprehensive documentation on your plugin's features, installation, and usage. Provide support for your users to address any compatibility issues or concerns they may have.


Full Site Editing has revolutionized the way WordPress users build and customize their websites. By understanding the importance of plugin compatibility and integrating FSE-compatible plugins, you can significantly enhance your website's functionality, design, and user experience.

Don't hesitate to explore and integrate FSE-compatible plugins to supercharge your WordPress website. Additionally, consider creating custom blocks or developing FSE-compatible plugins to further extend the capabilities of Full Site Editing and create a truly unique online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Full Site Editing in WordPress?

Full Site Editing (FSE) is a feature introduced in WordPress 5.8 that allows users to edit and customize their entire website layout using the Gutenberg block editor. FSE provides a more unified and seamless editing experience, enabling users to design and modify elements such as headers, footers, sidebars, and content areas without relying on multiple plugins or custom code.

How does Full Site Editing affect my existing plugins?

Full Site Editing can impact existing plugins by altering how they interact with the WordPress core and user interface. Some plugins may become obsolete, while others may require updates or modifications to ensure compatibility with FSE. It is essential to evaluate your current plugins for compatibility with Full Site Editing and consider using FSE-compatible plugins to enhance your website's functionality.

How do I know if a plugin is compatible with Full Site Editing?

To determine if a plugin is compatible with Full Site Editing, check the plugin's description, documentation, update history, and changelog for mentions of FSE compatibility. You can also visit the plugin's support forum or contact the plugin developer directly to inquire about compatibility.

How do I test a plugin's compatibility with Full Site Editing?

To test a plugin's compatibility with Full Site Editing, create a staging environment that replicates your live WordPress website and install the plugin in this environment. Test the plugin's functionality with FSE enabled to ensure it works as expected and does not cause conflicts with other plugins or the editing experience.

Can I create custom blocks and plugins for Full Site Editing?

Yes, you can create custom blocks and plugins for Full Site Editing. To create custom blocks, familiarize yourself with the basics of block development, including JavaScript, React, and the Gutenberg API. Use a block scaffolding tool to set up a development environment, and develop and test your custom block. To create FSE-compatible plugins, follow WordPress development standards, stay updated on FSE developments, test your plugin with various themes and environments, and provide clear documentation and support.

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