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5 SvelteKit Templates To Build Your Next Application


SvelteKit is a powerful and modern framework for building web applications. It takes advantage of Svelte's unique approach to component-based UI development and combines it with a suite of tools and conventions to simplify the development process. One way to speed up the development process and ensure a solid foundation for your project is by using templates. In this article, we will explore five SvelteKit templates that can serve as a starting point for your next application.

By using templates, you can save time and money, as well as ensure a consistent and high-quality user experience. Selecting the right template for your project is crucial, as it will impact your application's architecture, features, and overall design. In this guide, we will cover the following SvelteKit templates:

  1. SvelteKit Blog Template
  2. SvelteKit E-commerce Template
  3. SvelteKit Admin Dashboard Template
  4. SvelteKit Portfolio Template
  5. SvelteKit Progressive Web App (PWA) Template

1. SvelteKit Blog Template

The SvelteKit Blog Template provides a sleek and modern design for creating a personal or technical blog.


  • Pre-built blog layout
  • Markdown support for writing blog posts
  • Syntax highlighting for code snippets using Prism
  • Pagination and tag-based filtering
  • RSS feed generation

Use Cases

  • Personal blogs
  • Technical blogs
  • Documentation sites

Getting Started

  • Repository URL:
  • Installation instructions:
    git clone <>
    npx degit my-sveltekit-blog
    cd my-sveltekit-blog
    npm install
    npm run dev -- --open
  • Customization tips:
    • Update src/lib/config.ts to modify the site-wide configuration (title, author, etc.)
    • Edit the src/lib/config.js file to customize the site layout
    • Add new blog posts in the src/lib/posts directory using Markdown files

2. SvelteKit E-commerce Template

The SvelteKit E-commerce Template is a fully functional online store template with responsive design and user authentication.


  • Responsive product grid
  • Shopping cart functionality
  • Stripe integration for payment processing
  • User authentication using Supabase
  • Product search and filtering

Use Cases

  • Online stores
  • E-commerce startups
  • Marketplace platforms

Getting Started

  • Repository URL:
  • Installation instructions:
    git clone <>
    cd sveltekit-ecommerce
    npm install
    npm run dev
  • Customization tips:
    • Set up a Stripe account and Supabase account for payment processing and user authentication, respectively
    • Update environment variables in the .env file with your API keys
    • Customize the UI components in the src/components directory

3. SvelteKit Admin Dashboard Template

The SvelteKit Admin Dashboard Template offers a responsive and feature-rich admin dashboard for managing web applications.


  • Responsive admin dashboard layout
  • Pre-built UI components (charts, tables, forms) using Svelte Material UI
  • Dark and light mode support
  • Role-based access control

Use Cases

  • Web application backends
  • Content management systems
  • Analytics and reporting tools

Getting Started

  • Repository URL:
  • Installation instructions:
    git clone <>
    npm create svelte@latest
    # create a new project in the current directory
    npm init svelte@next
    # create a new project in my-app
    npm init svelte@next my-app
  • Customization tips:
    • Update the src/routes/_layout.svelte file to customize the dashboard layout
    • Add or modify dashboard pages in the src/routes/dashboard directory
    • Configure role-based access control in the src/lib/auth.ts file

4. SvelteKit Portfolio Template

The SvelteKit Portfolio Template is a modern and responsive template for showcasing your work and skills.


  • Modern and responsive portfolio design
  • Project showcase with filtering options
  • Contact form integration with Formspree
  • Resume download option

Use Cases

  • Personal portfolios
  • Freelancer websites
  • Agency landing pages

Getting Started

  • Repository URL:
  • Installation instructions:
    git clone <>
    cd sveltekit-portfolio
    npm install
    npm run dev
  • Customization tips:
    • Update the src/lib/portfolio.ts file to add your projects and skills
    • Customize the UI components in the src/components directory
    • Configure the contact form by setting up a Formspree account and updating the form action in src/routes/contact.svelte

5. SvelteKit Progressive Web App (PWA) Template

The SvelteKit PWA Template demonstrates how to create a progressive web app with offline support and performance optimizations.


  • PWA configuration and setup
  • Offline support with service workers using Workbox
  • Manifest file for adding to the home screen
  • Performance optimizations

Use Cases

  • Mobile web applications
  • Cross-platform app development
  • Offline-first web projects

Getting Started

  • Repository URL:
  • Installation instructions:
    npx degit tretapey/svelte-pwa my-svelte-pwa
    cd my-svelte-pwa
    npm install
    npm run dev
  • Customization tips:
    • The service-worker.js and manifest.json files are in the public folder.
    • You should update the icons in /public/images/icons
    • For an offline experience edit the /public/offline.html file.
    • This PWA is installable. For more information on how to use check this repo. Note: If you don't want to make the app installable you can remove the script from the index.html file in the public folder.


In this article, we explored five versatile SvelteKit templates that can serve as a foundation for your next web application. By selecting the right template, you can save time, ensure a consistent user experience, and focus on building the features that matter most to your users. SvelteKit is a powerful framework that enables developers to create high-quality web applications with ease. Give these templates a try and experience the benefits of using SvelteKit for your web development projects.

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